27th Annual Golf Classic a Great Success

The 27th annual Hellenic College Holy Cross Nicholas J. Bouras Memorial Golf Classic is always a much-anticipated highlight of the summer and this year’s event was no exception. Players from as far away as Georgia gathered at the lovely Kernwood Country Club in Salem, Massachusetts on July 15 for a full day of golf on the championship course designed by the great Donald Ross. Before teeing off, they were presented with gift bags and socialized at a buffet brunch. The golfers later enjoyed chicken souvlaki and locanico served on the course. They and their guests filled the clubhouse at the end of the day for a cocktail reception, followed by a steak and lobster dinner. Group and individual trophies were awarded at the dinner along with raffle prizes.
The Golf Classic is a wonderful combination of fellowship and philanthropy in which everyone is a winner, especially our students, whom the proceeds support. We are so grateful to our generous friends who have ensured the success of this event for more than a quarter of a century. Special thanks go to our President’s Circle sponsors: the Behrakis and Demakes families, and the Demoulas Family Foundation.